Bay Area Older Adults East Bay
Do you want to help seniors live a longer, higher quality life? Bay Area Older Adults™ is a charitable 501(c)3 organization that improves the health and well-being of adults age 50+ in the Bay Area. Volunteering opportunities include web development, photography, videography, managing social media, leading hikes and fundraising. The CEO will be your mentor and there will be opportunities to learn about what is involved with running a small company. We are looking for someone who is self-motivated, reliable, organized; has good time management and people skills; and who wants to help the community.

Must have easy access to a computer and internet service. Some opportunities require experience and for other opportunities, we will train you.
The volunteering opportunities have flexible hours and you can work at home. We would prefer you to commit to at least three hours per week.
Disabled Access
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Work from home.
Contact Info
Please email us at or call 408.472.4464 if you are interested in volunteering.