Full Review: McClellan Ranch Park

There is a medium sized, free parking lot, restrooms and drinking water by the entrance.   By the entrance, the Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society has their small environmental center office and surrounding it is the Nancy Hertert Memorial Native Plant Garden with signs by the plants and flowers telling you the Latin and common names. It is worth the time to stop and smell the flowers so to speak. The plants on exhibit include the soap plant (Chlorogalum pomeridianum), Yarrow, California fuchsia (Zauschneria species from the evening primrose family), California wild grape, wild iris, sulfur buckwheat, Erigeron seabreeze (Pink seaside daisy), Margarita BOP (Penstemon heterophyllus), hummingbird sage (Salvia spathcea), Verbena lilicina, island snap dragon and douglas iris (Iris douglasiana).


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            Parking entrance                           Parking lot


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 Restrooms & drinking water     Audubon Society office & garden


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   Penstemon heterophyllus               Erigeron seabreeze


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           Verbena lilicina                             Douglas iris



          Sulfur buckwheat


Following the paved trail, the next historic site to see is the blacksmith shop, the farm where they let you interact with the animals and the community garden.  There are signs that point to Blackberry Farm, the volleyball and bocceball courts.  The path is exposed to the sun, passing by some trees, benches and eventually running parallel to Stevens Creek.


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           Blacksmith shop                         Walking the pony





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                                          Paved trail


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                          Volleyball and bocce ball courts


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                                      Stevens Creek