Lake Elizabeth
The Park is set on 450 acres with an 83 acre lake. Easily catchable rainbow trout (1 to 3 pounds per fish) are planted October to April. In the early fall and late spring, catfish weighing between 1 and 2 pounds per fish are planted in the lake waters. Amenities include picnic areas, walking paths, tennis courts, fishing, snackbars and a golf driving range.
No motor boats are allowed in the lake.
Park is open from Sunrise to 10 PM. Rental kayaks, paddle boats and sailboats are available on weekends and holidays April through September from 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm.
There are daily or annual fees for private boat launches.
Click for MapAddress
Near Sailway Dr. & next to the Boat Docks
40000 Paseo Padre PkwyVisit Google Maps for this Address
Contact Info
Phone: (510) 790-5541 or email: