Los Trancos Open Space Preserve
Los Trancos Open Space Preserve is a 274 acre area located in the Santa Cruz Mountains at an elevation of about 2000 feet. It has about 5 miles of mainly shaded, dirt trails for hikers and equestrians. The terrain is rolling grassland, oak woodland and shaded forest. Restroom facilities are available at the Monte Bello Open Space Preserve parking area, located directly across Page Mill Road. There is no drinking water.

One trail is open to equestrians and hikers. The others are hiking only. Bikes and dogs are not permitted.
Disabled Access
There is one designated handicapped parking spot, but trails are not well suited to wheelchairs.
Click for MapAddress
Page Mill Road Los Altos CA 94022
The preserve's entrance is on Page Mill Road. From Interstate 280 in San Mateo County, exit Page Mill Road and drive west about 7 miles. From the junction of CA 35/Skyline Blvd and Page Mill Road, the entrance is a little over a mile downhill to the east and turn right into the preserve. Parking is available for 20 vehicles. Additional parking is available at the Monte Bello Open Space Preserve parking area, located directly across Page Mill Road.
Contact Info
Phone: 650-691-1200 or email: info@openspace.org